History and Achievement As a project initiated by the Tripartite Environment Ministers Meeting among China, Japan and Korea (TEMM) in 2000, the Tripartite Environmental Education Network (TEEN) has played important roles in exchanging knowledge and experiences on environmental education, and fostering environmental awareness among China, Japan and Korea.
Vision The vision of TEEN is to promote sustainable development through environmental education (EE) by sharing, communicating, and learning the policies, practices, and experiences of environmental education among the three countries.
Goal The main goal of TEEN is to enrich and build capacity of EE communities through information sharing, joint project, practice exchange, and mutual learning among the three countries, and to consult the governments on environmental education policy making and strategy planning. To achieve this goal, TEEN continuously cooperates with the government in each country by supporting EE related researches and activities.
Identity and Role TEEN is ultimately aiming to establish “a network of networks” with government agencies, EE professionals and experts, educators and practitioners in formal and informal settings, and organizations/institutions/companies in the three countries. By providing communication platforms for such EE communities, TEEN coordinates participation of multi-stakeholders to resolve complex environmental issues at local/national/global level.
Activities The implementation of TEEN is based on the composition of TEEN activities
Morale TEEN collaboration is based on mutual respects for culture, conditions of each country and dedication of EE communities in the circumstances.