국문 영문

공동 협력사업

Phase 2010~2014 : “For Our Common Future”

China, Japan and Korea jointly developed eight (8) books of “For Our Common Future” series for elementary school students (5th and 6th grades). Eight topics covered ‘We live on the same Earth,’ ‘Reduce wastes for a circular society,’ ‘Focus on our ecological footprint,’ ‘Energy saving and response to climate change,’ ‘Be little green citizen,’ ‘Construct our green campus,’ ‘Environmental wisdom in traditional culture,’ and ‘Our common future.’

  • 우리는 같은 지구에 살아요
  • 자원순환 사회를 위해 폐기물을 줄여요
  • 생태발자국에 집중해요
  • 에너지를 절약하고 기후변화에 대응해요
  • 작은 녹색 시민이 되어요
  • 녹색 학교를 만들어요
  • 전통 문화 속의 환경 지혜
  • 우리 공동의 미래
Phase 2006~2009

  • Phase 2006~2009
Phase 2003~2005

  • Phase 2003~2005
Phase 2000~2002

  • Phase 2000~2002